Music for Kids: How to Promote & Sell It

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Have you ever thought about writing, recording and selling music for children? The thought crosses a lot of musicians’ minds. If you fall into this category, you’ll want to listen to the last two episodes of my Artist Empowerment Radio podcast.

They feature an awesome, two-part interview with Mr. Billy, a dynamic independent artist who has been successful in the children’s music genre for 10 years.

Even if you have no interest in music for kids, you will get a lot out of these power-packed episodes. In these two audio interviews Mr. Billy talks about his DIY artist approach and how he books more than 200 shows a year at libraries and schools.

He also shares some incredibly creative ways he presents his live rock and roll shows to engage the audience (not only the children, but the parents too) and how he inspires them to incorporate their smartphones and texting into the show.

This is an energizing interview you don’t want to miss!

Listen to part 1 of the How to Promote and Sell Music for Kids interview now.


P.S. While you’re at it, subscribe to the Artist Empowerment Radio podcast here on iTunes.

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